![Zodiac Reports & Libra Moon Tarot](https://d2j6dbq0eux0bg.cloudfront.net/images/28337412/1400189542.jpg)
Rather than interpret every interaction between two charts, this report
interprets only particularly important aspects between the two charts
and relationships between zodiac sign placements,
Aspects to the ruler of the 7th house cusp, aspects to angles, aspects to inner planets, and important zodiac sign placements are interpreted. In this way, the major themes and issues of the relationship are revealed. About 10-12 pages in length.
Your Report Contains:
Enjoyment, Closeness and Lasting Impressions
Emotions and Communication Between You
Fulfilling Each Others Partnership Needs
Your Closest Contacts, Your Strongest Themes
Sample Report - Compatibility and Conflict for Marriage
Report is Approximately 10-12 pages.
Delivery of report is from 24-48 hours from the time it is placed. Delivery will come through email. Please provide a valid email address with your order