The report contains:
A star in the Celestial Sphere which is so far away that its proper motion due to its own velocity or precession is virtually unobservable to the eye over the time period of a century or so. This program prints interpretations for conjunctions of planets (listed by house rulers), ascendant, midheaven, and other house cusps to over 60 major "fixed" stars and star clusters, all distant suns in their own systems.
Called "fixed" because of their unchanging constellation patterns, against whose backdrop the planets move, these stars are the brightest stars we see at night. Bright stars generally not used for interpretation are those over 45 degrees north or south of the ecliptic path; and in "crowded" areas of the heavens, only the most powerful stars are selected for interpretation. About 3-5 pages.
Fixed stars Rising or Conjunct Ascendant Ruler
Fixed Stars conjunct second house Ruler or Cusp
Fixed Stars conjunct third house Ruler or Cusp
Fixed Stars conjunct fourth house Ruler or Cusp
Fixed Stars conjunct fifth house Ruler or Cusp
Fixed Stars conjunct sixth house Ruler or Cusp
Fixed Stars conjunct seventh house Ruler or Cusp
Fixed Stars conjunct eighth house Ruler or Cusp
Fixed Stars conjunct ninth house Ruler or Cusp
Fixed Stars conjunct tenth house Ruler or Cusp
Fixed Stars conjunct eleveth house Ruler or Cusp
Fixed Stars conjunct twelvth house Ruler or Cusp
Sample Report - Fixed Stars
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